Friday 3 March 2017

The highlight of this week was ‘World Book Day’. It was great to see everyone in their costumes – everyone looked amazing and it helped set the tone for a very enjoyable day. We always like to celebrate ‘World Book Day’ because it highlights, in a fun way, how important it is to read books. Being able to read is very important and it is something we should support our children with throughout the year.

It has been brought to my attention that young children, who are waiting for their siblings in the Key Stage 2 playground at the end of the day, are playing on the play equipment. Can parents please ensure that young children are properly supervised and do not play on the ‘Swingballs’ or any equipment on the field. Children should stay close to their parents in the playground whilst they are waiting for their older brothers and sisters to come out.

Next week in school we are having a ‘mufti day ‘ on Friday for the Spring Fayre. The Spring Fayre is being held on Saturday, March 25thwhich is the day before Mother’s Day so in payment for not wearing their uniform the children should bring in something suitable for a Mother’s Day gift or an Easter egg for our tombola stalls. The gifts can be handed in at the school gate or in the classroom. More details about the spring Fayre are in the letter which has been sent out by the PTA.

Have a great weekend and I will see you all again on Monday.

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