Friday 5 September 2014

It does not seem like two minutes since I was wishing you all a great holiday and here we are back for the start of a new school year. Although it is difficult getting back into a routine I always enjoy returning to school because it is a pleasure to see everyone again and there is something comforting about getting back to your normal routine. That is not to say that I did not have a wonderful holiday but as I went away right at the beginning of the break it does seem like a dim and distant memory.

All of the children appear to have settled back into the school routine and although we have had one or two yawns from them having to get up early again they do not seem too upset at being back again. Even our new children seem to have settled very quickly, which is great, and I am sure that in a short while they will feel like they have been here forever and it will all feel very normal to them. I think it is sometimes more upsetting for the parents to see them start school than it is for the actual children.

Next week we invite in all the parents to a ‘Meet the Teacher’ meeting so that all parents can get to talk to their child’s class teacher and learn about the expectations of the year. We make these meetings for parents only following a request from parents who like the opportunity to ask questions they would not ask in front of children. Although the majority of parents do comply with this request we always seem to have a couple who think that it is okay for them to bring their children and just leave them in the school while they attend the meeting. However this is not acceptable and parents who do bring their children with them will be asked to leave. If you do have problems with childcare ‘Kids and Clubs’ are offering for a one-off payment to look after your child for the duration of the meeting but as I stated in the newsletter they will need to know by Tuesday so they can ensure they have the appropriate cover for the extra numbers. If you are unable to attend because of other commitments the class blogs do keep you informed of what is happening in the classroom.

All the clubs run by the school staff will start again next week so please make sure you return your signing up form by Monday so your child can participate. Those of you who are familiar with our after school’s timetable will notice that there is less netball available than we usually offer. This is because the lady who runs the netball for us has less time available because of other commitments. However, we are looking into ways of running more after school netball and we will inform you if this is possible in the near future.

Have a pleasant weekend - let us hope that the summer weather can last a little longer so we can all enjoy it a little more.  

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