Friday 27 September 2013

Obviously the news of the week is our latest Ofsted report which was published much quicker than our inspector led us to believe. We are, of course, very happy about it although we will still strive to do even better next time. I would like to publicly thank all my staff for all their hard work and commitment that they have given the school – without their support my job would be impossible to do.  I would also like to thank all the parents who continued to support the school over the last two years because when things have got a little tough that has meant a lot.

We did have a little excitement today as the ‘Book Fair’ was delivered and I know that many of the children are looking forward to being able to purchase a book next week. Remember that the ‘Book Fair’ is open from Monday – Thursday from 3.15pm -3.45pm.

Some of you will have noticed that underneath my picture on the web page is an e-mail address. This is in response to a request from the parent council to make it easier for parents to contact members of staff. If you use this e-mail you make contact me with any information or events that you think I should be informed about. The staff e-mails are also available so you can contact them directly with information you think they need to know about your children. The system has been set up for parents who sometimes find it difficult to come in and talk to the staff personally and we do hope it helps them. What I would ask is that it is not used for complaints because if you do have a complaint to make (and we certainly hope that you do not) you should follow the normal process.  

I was a little saddened this week to hear that some parents have been upset as they have heard their children’s behaviour being discussed by other parents in the playground. When parents first come to the school I do ask them that if they have a problem they should come in and discuss it with either the class teacher or myself and then leave us to sort it out. I know it can be upsetting if your child comes home and tells them about something unpleasant that has happened at school but very often this is resolved the next day. If you think there is a real issue then do inform the school and if you think we have not resolved it then come back and talk to us again.  It is not pleasant if you think your child is being given a bad reputation by adults because children pick up on this (no matter how discrete people think they are being) and it has a negative impact on the class.

A lot of parents have been contacting the school office to see if any of the teachers are taking industrial action on the 1st October. On this occasion none of the teachers have decided to strike but let me assure you that if there is any industrial action which affects the running of the school in the future I will contact parents as soon as I know what is happening.

Next week on Friday morning we have our Harvest Coffee Morning which is one of my favourite occasions as I get the opportunity to see so many parents (I also quite like eating a lot of cake). I did send details in the newsletter of when to send in all the cakes and biscuits. When the children have decided which charity they would like to send the money to I will inform you.

I look forward to seeing many of you next week.



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